Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do We Start?

Thank you for your interest in Bespoke Science. We stive for transparency and integrity in all aspects of life and business. If you have any additional questions drop us an email or set up a complimentary consultation.

Bespoke Science offerings are as diverse as our clients. We have decades old commercial relationships with healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical, medical device & nutraceutical companies and have served as commercial advisors for universities and incubators all over the globe.

Bespoke Science is privately owned but have strategic partnerships with venture capital, private equity and family office groups to help their portfolio companies grow. How can we leverage our network to help your company scale?

We have a three step process. Discovery, proposal & launch & track and scale.

Discovery – Go/No Go – 1-3 Meetings 

  • We listen intently and ask challenging questions
  • At our cost we cross reference our learnings with our KOL network
  • We politely pass on the project or move to the proposal/launch phase

Proposal, Launch – 1-2 Meetings Agreement on Terms

  • Draft 1 is typically 80% correct. We corporately revise & negotiate terms in the first proposal meeting.
  •  Draft 2 is offered in a binding term sheet and typically singed in meeting 2nd proposal meeting.
  • Meeting 3 focuses on launch logics and early stage metrics

Track & Scale – Meetings Bi-Weekly 

  • We pride ourselves on systematic program tracking and prefer at least bi-weekly meetings with executive stakeholders.
  • Commercial programs never get cheaper or less complex. We proactively look for mutually beneficial opportunities and will co-invest or finance deals on a case by case basis.
  • Commercial scaling is difficult in the best of circumstances. We are always looking for shifts in markets, economies & geopolitics and pivot accordingly.

Typical Compensation – Expect Results. We are the primary revenue drivers for our clients and we take that responsibility very seriously. Bespoke charges monthly management fees for each of our programs but the majority of our compensation comes from success fees.

We will not consider commission or equity only projects.

We get it. Bringing new laboratory technologies to market is a long and expensive process.

We are happy to introduce you to our network of trusted incubators, capital partners and other resources that can help you in your journey. We plan to publish a list of partners later this year in our blog to make access to these resources easier.

Bespoke’s team invests their time, money and energy in investing in the entrepreneurial communities throughout Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, New York and Connecticut. We serve as commercial advisors for multiple for profit and not for profit groups dedicated to advancing human and animal care.

We are seeking commercial partnerships with disease specific patient and animal advocacy groups. Contact us to learn more.

We typically suggest that those wishing to engage with Bespoke on an advisory board simply engage us as a commercial partner. This allows us to maintain our focus as an organization and serve in our expert capacity.

Bespoke evaluates al la carte advisory board requests on a case by case basis regardless of type of engagement  we corporately we require direct compensation and or equity to serve as advisors.

Our global network of pharma & nutraceutical industry partners, government agencies, Universities & intuitional KOLs entrust Bespoke Science to review the scientific validity and commercial viability of their projects. We attack big projects looking for solutions and play to win.

If that sounds like your team, let’s connect.